
5 Principles of Reiki

Spirituality is often associated with extraordinary moments, such as retreats in sacred places or transcendental experiences. However, spirituality can also be found in our daily routines. By cultivating regular spiritual practices, we can refine our consciousness to dive into ourselves and connect with our divine nature.

In this way, you can achieve a free flow of energy in your physical and subtle bodies, releasing the energetic blockages that have become anchored in your system due to the effects produced by limiting beliefs that do not allow the free expression of your feelings and innate potential energy.

Being free from judgments and discovering oneself is essential to healing on physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels. Reiki can provide you with the help that we all need in our unique and authentic integral development.

Reiki is an effective, simple, powerful technique with positive effects that does not require prior preparation or specialized training to receive it. It is accessible to all of us. From the moment you decide to use Reiki, whether receiving sessions or deciding to start on this path through a Reiki course, there will be a before and after in your life.

One of the purposes of Reiki is to teach how to connect with Universal Energy through your Higher Self, so that you can first start the path of your own self-knowledge and then help the rest of the people, animals, and beings with whom you share your existence and earthly experience.

Reiki was rediscovered by a Japanese doctor and priest named Mikao Usui (Japan 1865-1962). After his training and long experience in teaching and treating with this method, Mikao understood that for a desirable change like healing to occur and be maintained on this path, it is necessary to act on the rest of the mental, emotional, and spiritual levels.

Mikao also says that each person must actively participate in the treatment and truly want and ask for this change towards healing. In this sense, Mikao Usui first formulated the two basic rules of Reiki, on which the 5 principles of Reiki were later based, according to his system.

The first rule is that all treated individuals must request their own treatment. The healing will of a person must be respected, as will and free will are two of the basic laws of human evolution. No one should interfere with another person’s will. Therefore, people who do not request the healing action of Reiki still have a part of themselves that resists being harmonized, and that decision must be respected.

The second rule is that every treatment must be accompanied by a counterpart. Whatever it is, it is essential that there is an exchange of energy between transmitter and receiver so that the latter gets involved in their own balance and acquires the commitment to do everything possible on their own. Mikao Usui also understood that his mission was not just to heal the physical body but that he had to help others take charge of their own healing.

The 5 principles of Reiki are ethical and behavioral guidelines that assist in the practice of the technique. To achieve a free flow of energy in your physical and subtle bodies, you must connect with your divine nature, refine your consciousness, and release energetic blockages caused by limiting beliefs. The practice of Reiki does not require prior preparation and is accessible to all, and can be used in conjunction with other associated techniques to give more consciousness to the human being.

Mikao Usui, the Japanese physician and priest who rediscovered Reiki, formulated the two basic rules of the technique upon which the five principles of Reiki were based. The first rule states that all individuals must request their own treatment, since free will and choice are two of the basic laws of human evolution. The second rule determines that every treatment must be accompanied by a counterpart, so that the receiver can be involved in their own balance and acquire the commitment to do everything possible on their own.

Just for today

The three words that Usui puts before each principle, “Just for today,” symbolize the idea of ​​”here and now,” of remaining anchored in the present moment, which is where life happens. It is in this exact moment, the space from which we can observe, meditate and correct our thinking, emotion, and action, for the sake of greater integrity and internal coherence.

The five principles of Reiki are:


Irritation is a state of disharmony that comes mainly from feelings of anger generated by wanting to exercise control over all situations.

It is important to remember that the situations in our lives are caused by a cause that generates a necessary effect for our growth, and blaming others or seeking external causes for our anger is useless. We must take responsibility for our actions and work within ourselves to overcome irritation.


Be in the present moment. Do not worry about the past, as it has already passed and cannot be changed. Do not worry about the future, as it has not yet arrived and you cannot control it. Just focus on doing your best in the present.

Both worry and fear negatively influence our energy system and produce blockages that can lead to illness, as these emotions produce physiological changes in our body (tachycardia, shallow breathing, increased blood pressure…) that reduce our immune capacity making us more vulnerable to illness.

Therefore, the mind must be educated to adopt an attitude of neutrality in the face of life’s adverse situations and strive to cultivate joy, optimism, and confidence.


Show gratitude for everything you have in life.

Thank everything you have in life, from the small things to the great achievements. Gratitude is one of the most positive and elevated emotions, which brings benefits to physical, mental, and spiritual health.

Gratitude is related to abundance, success, and existential prosperity.

Gratitude for everything we have, are, and receive is a stimulus that caresses our spirit to move forward. Gratitude towards ourselves makes us more confident in our abilities to overcome the continuous doubts, fears, and insecurities that arise in our path.

Gratitude is the seed of faith because with every act of gratitude, an attitude of gratitude and confidence is created in our mind. It is this repetition that gives us the certainty of being abundant.


Seek an honest and just life, with dignified and honest work. Do not pursue gains that may harm other people, as ethics and integrity are essential for personal and collective well-being. The work you do is part of you, your Vital Energy. This energy is what you give to the world and the community in which you live in the form of physical or intellectual activity.

You must first love what you do.

If you do not like what you do, you should change your activity.

If you cannot or do not want to change your activity, you should at least change your attitude towards it, so that your tasks become activities worthy of your appreciation and love.

Tasks are tasks, neither better nor worse, the only thing that gives you more or less value is what you think of them.

By changing your beliefs about your work, you can go from a disappointing situation to a new state of satisfaction, joy, and love for what you do, an inner feeling that what you are doing is “something worthwhile”.


We are one, and every entity with which we have contact (person, animal, vegetable, or mineral) is deserving of our respect, kindness, compassion, and love. This reminds us that we all come from the same origin, putting us in a situation that emotionally satisfies us and fulfills our vital expectations and existential doubt.

Knowing ourselves as part of creation makes us feel nourished by the feeling of belonging to the Consciousness of Cosmic and Universal Unity.
When we project these vibratory feelings of love and positive energy into our environment, we begin to receive them as well.

Have you ever had a Reiki session? I would really like everyone I know to have that opportunity. I am a big believer in the power of this complementary therapy to treat health problems such as anxiety, pain and sleep disorders. If you want to schedule a Reiki session with me, just send me a message.

However, if you can apply even these principles in your life, if you can apply them even for today, I guarantee you that some changes will start to happen.